Mel has been Chief Executive of Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust since 2019. She started her career as a registered general nurse in 1990 and is a member of the West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts. For West Yorkshire, Mel leads on critical care and trauma, and is the lead CEO for the local maternity services network.
"We can only succeed in narrowing the inequalities and building a fairer society for all by working in ever closer partnership, to do this we need to maximise our shared resources to deliver the best outcomes for our communities based on what matters to them. Our ambition as a Partnership is driven by this passion in the vision, we all share for the people who live, learn, love, work and play here in our small part of the world. A future where there is better health and wellbeing for everyone. A future where all our people can enjoy longer, happier, and healthier lives. We have a shared duty to get this right for our populations, our communities, our colleagues and our partners and we have built firm foundations to succeed in achieving our vision."