Commissioning policies contain information about treatments, and who can have those treatments paid for by the NHS. Decisions around commissioning policies are made by the ICB Transformation Committee.
Before the introduction of the Integrated Care Board (ICB) in 2022, the five former clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in the area had their own local commissioning policies. This created differences in access to treatments for people and communities across West Yorkshire. Now that the ICB is responsible for commissioning, it must have policies that are the same. We are reviewing our commissioning policies to make sure everyone gets the same access to treatments, wherever they live in West Yorkshire. This review process will also make sure our policies are in line with the latest expert advice.
There are some commissioning policies that still need to be reviewed. Until these reviews have taken place, the policies of the former CCGs are still valid for each of the five places in West Yorkshire: Bradford District and Craven, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield District. Commissioning policies are listed in alphabetical order below. Those still to be reviewed have their place name in the title. All other policies listed have been reviewed and aligned, and are single West Yorkshire policies.
Commissioning policies A to Z
Bariatric (weight loss) surgery (07.2024)
Bladder Outflow Obstruction (BOO) (surgical intervention) (11.2024) - This is an updated Evidence Based Interventions Policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance
Body contouring (11.2023)
Botulinum toxin (Leeds)
Botulinum toxin (Wakefield District)
Breast lift - mastopexy (11.2023)
Breast procedures (11.2023)
Breast reduction for male gynaecomastia (11.2023)
Bunion surgery (Calderdale)
Bunion surgery (Wakefield District)
Carpal tunnel sydrome release (11.2024) - This is an updated Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Carpal tunnel sydrome release
Cataract surgery in adults (01.2020)
Chalazia (eyelid cyst) removal (04.2019)
Circumcision (12.2021)
Complementary therapies (Leeds)
Complementary therapies (Wakefield District)
Constipation - sacral nerve stimulation (05.2022)
Continuing Care Choice and Equity Commissioning Policy (11.2024)
Continuous glucose monitoring (04.2023)
Cryopreservation for fertility treatment (12.2021)
Diagnostic endoscopy (Wakefield District)
Dilation and curettage for heavy menstrual bleeding (04.2019)
Dupuytren's contracture (curling fingers) release in adults (11.2024) - This is an updated Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Dupuytren's contracture release in adults
Ganglion excision (cyst removal) (11.2024) - This is an updated Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Ganglion excision
Glue ear in children (11.2024) - There are updated Evidence Based Interventions policies. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Grommets for glue ear in children and the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Removal of adenoids for treatment of glue ear
Gluten-free prescribing commissioning statement (02.2024)
Gluten-free prescribing equality impact assessment (02.2024)
Gluten-free prescribing combined impact assessment (02.2024)
Haemorrhoid (piles) surgery (11.2024) - This is an updated Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Haemorrhoid surgery
Hair removal (11.2024)
Hair replacement and wigs (11.2024)
Headache - specialist services (09.2022)
Hernia repair (Wakefield District)
Hip arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) (01.2020)
Hip replacement (for hip arthritis) (12.2019)
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine retinopathy monitoring (06.2023)
Hysterectomy for heavy menstrual bleeding (04.2019)
Labial reduction and cosmetic vaginal procedures (12.2021)
Laser treatments not covered elsewhere (05.2022)
Levetiracetam for the treatment of epilepsy (01.2024)
Lidocaine 5% medicated plasters for 0-18 years (12.2021)
Liothyronine for underactive thyroid (04.2019)
Liposuction (11.2023)
Lycra garments (12.2022)
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing for men aged 80 years and above (11.2024) - This is a new Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on PSA Testing for men aged 80 years and above
Subject access requests (03.2024)
Scar treatment including acne (05.2022)
Shoulder arthroscopy (decompression) (04.2019)
Shoulder pain referrals (12.2019)
Skin lesions (benign) removal (11.2024) - This is an updated Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Removal of benign skin lesions
Snoring surgery (11.2024) - This is an updated Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Snoring surgery (in the absence of obstructive sleep apnoea)
Spinal surgery assessment (11.2024)
Spine, ischaemic and neuropathic pain (11.2024)
Tattoo removal (12.2021)
Thread veins (05.2022)
Tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis (11.2024) - This is an updated Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis
Toric lens insertion (05.2022)
Transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) single post instillation of mitomycin C (SPIMMC) (11.2024) - This is a new Evidence Based Intervention policy. For details please see the Evidence Based interventions guidance
Trigger finger release in adults (11.2024) - This is an updated Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Trigger finger release in adults
Urinary tract infections - investigation and onward referral of women with recurrent urinary tract infections (rUTIs) (11.2024) - This is a new Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance
Varicose vein interventions (11.2024) -This is an updated Evidence Based Interventions policy. For details please see the Evidence Based Interventions guidance on Varicose vein interventions
Vasectomy Reversal and Female Sterilisation (12.2021)
Vasectomy (02.2025)
VEGF inhibitors in ophthalmology (12.2022)
Individual Funding Requests
An Individual Funding Request (IFR) is an application to ask the NHS to pay for a treatment that is not routinely commissioned.
In exceptional circumstances, a GP or other healthcare professional may believe a patient would benefit from one of these treatments. In such cases, the healthcare professional can ask the NHS to pay for that treatment by completing an IFR form on behalf of the patient.
This information explains how patients’ personal and health information is used to consider and process IFRs accurately and fairly.
IFRs are considered by an independent panel made up of doctors, nurses, public health experts, pharmacists, NHS England representatives and lay members.
IFR forms should be completed by the GP or other healthcare professional with the most knowledge of the treatment being requested, and the most knowledge of the patient it is being requested for.
There is a single IFR form for use across West Yorkshire. This can be be downloaded below:
Information for patients about the process is available:
A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is in place which sets out how the process for managing Individual Funding Requests (IFRs) for the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (WYICB) will operate. Such requests are managed in line with the WY ICB Commissioning Policy for Individual Funding Requests.
Evidence-based interventions
The evidence-based interventions (EBI) programme was developed in 2018. It aimed to reduce unnecessary medical interventions and prevent avoidable harm to patients by making sure that tests, treatments and procedures routinely available on the NHS are appropriate and clinically effective. In the 2022/2023 financial year the EBI programme has ensured over half a million inappropriate or unnecessary interventions have been avoided.
EBI interventions can be found by name in the A to Z list, or you can view the full list of EBIs (as at September 2024) on the Interventions Archive A-Z