Future meetings

The next meeting of the ICB Board is scheduled for Tuesday 24 June 2025.

Asking a question

We welcome questions from members of the public, which will be taken at the start of each meeting. To be considered during the meeting, questions must be submitted 24 hours  before the start of the meeting. Questions submitted after the 24 hour deadline will not be considered during the meeting, and a written response will be sent to the person who submitted the question and published on the ICB’s website afterwards. Please note that the total time on the agenda for questions is 15 minutes. Every effort will be made to include as many public questions as possible.

Please send your question by email to westyorkshireics.governance@nhs.net or if you prefer, you can telephone us with your question on 01924 317659. 

We hold our meetings in public in venues in local communities across West Yorkshire. Members of the public are welcome to attend in person to ask their question, or we can read out the question on your behalf if you’re unable to attend. You can also watch the meeting on our livestream, and we will send you a copy of the response to your question.

Board meetings are business meetings which, for transparency, we hold in public. They are not ‘public meetings’ for consulting with the public – we do this in a variety of different ways.

Find out more about how we engage with people.

We believe Board meetings will be more successful if everyone is courteous and respects each other. We ask that you please follow these simple guidelines:

  • Please only ask a question about an item on the agenda.
  • Please be brief so that as many people as possible can have their say.
  • Please recognise that we can only answer questions during the meeting if time allows.

All questions will receive a written response and will be published on the ICB’s website.

Thank you for your interest in the work of the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board.